You are eligible to become a CRAICCHS Member if you:
- aged 18 years or over
- an Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander person
- a resident in the geographic service area (South Burnett)
- not an employee or contractor to the company
- pays subscription fee
- agrees to assume the liability to pay the members guarantee set out in clause 58.1 of the Company Constitution
How do you become a member?
Step 1: Fill out the Membership Application form and hand it in/send it in to the CRAICCHS Clinic
Step 2: The CRAICCHS Board of Directors review all membership applications and are responsible for application approvals
Step 3: Once you are approved by the board, you pay the subscription fee of $5-
Step 4: You are now a financial member of CRAICCHS meaning you can
- Have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting
- Nominate to become a Board of Director
For more information please read the CRAICCHS Ltd Constitution